It’s that time of year again, Whatcom Artist Studio Tour is happening the first two weekends in October. The Morgan Block Artists Community will host three open Studios this year, #6 Nancy Canyon, #13 Jillene Smith and Studio #14 PatternArt. I will be working on a new dimensional mural during the event and will have a variety of art work, new and old, big and small, from quick plein aire studies to detailed studio easel paintings. The attached video gives a quick preview of my Studio/Gallery with a third floor view looking towards the Fairhaven waterfront. I will have a sign up sheet for this winters Watercolor classes offered at PatternArt Studio/Gallery.
Whatcom Artist Studio Tour 2022
by patternart | Oct 7, 2022 | News | 1 comment
Hello my friend. I love your dimensional art. You are always growing :-)