Methow Winter Acrylic on Panel

This painting I completed a couple of years ago after a winter ski vacation in the Methow Valley and the reason I am posting it on an 80 degree July day in Bellingham is because it won “Best in Show” at the online J. Mayne Gallery “Seasons” exhibition, . J. Mayne is an online gallery that hosts regular themed art exhibit competitions, my painting “Devil’s Club” won the platinum award in a previous exhibit titled “Shades of Green” and my lovely wife and amazing painter Nancy Canyon won gold.

Devil’s Club Acrylic on Canvas 24″ x 48″

I am currently working on another winter inspired painting from the same locale, it is 48″ x 48″ acrylic on canvas and near finished. I haven’t gotten much studio time recently as I have been summoned for jury duty that has occupied the past two weeks and into the following week. I usually don’t like to post unfinished paintings but I’ll make an exception for this one.

Untitled- unfinished Acrylic on Canvas 48″ x 48″

I love painting snow, its very sculptural and colorful, reflecting color and light from all around. There is still foreground snow and detail to paint along with some other modifications before this painting is finished. It will hang in Chuckanut Bay Gallery when its done and they are ready for it.

Fairhaven Art Walk is happening this summer on Saturday, August 10 from 4-7 pm. Selected businesses around Fairhaven will host working artists demonstrating their talent and craft. The Morgan Block will be open to the public and will be featuring myself, Nancy Canyon, Ben Mann, MariJo Martini, Pippin Christensen and Donna Rushing. Come on out and soak up some creative art vibe in Fairhaven, leave this crazy world behind for a few hours.

Keep on Truckin, Better days ahead.

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