Cascade Shadows

One of my favorite events is our annual summer camping trip to the Cascade River about 15 miles east of Marblemount. We were roughing it sleeping in a tent until last year when we purchased a little Burro fiberglass trailer, perfect for a portable Art Studio. It is so great to disconnect from our chaotic world and settle into a simple rythym of listening to the river and the birds, swimming in the cold clean water, watching the stars at night and spending lots of time painting. The attached images were painted on location. Its a meditative practice to immerse oneself in the intense study of nature, to capture the interplay of light and shadow, in the moment. I think the finished paintings have a fresher look about them than more finished pieces that are painted in the studio. The main challenge i face while painting outdoors was continually swatting at mosquitos, which seem to be more numerous and ferocious this year. Stay safe everybody, be considerate and wear your mask, try not to get to caught up in the constant rage and indignation constantly blaring at us from multiple outlets. Nature is the best panacea for these times,

Acrylic on Canvas Board
Charcoal Sketch

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