Happy New Year. The above painting has kept me busy, on and off, in the studio for the past few months. All the mechanical and architectural detail plus rendering the likeness of nine individuals proved quite challenging. Wings Motorcycle recently moved from their long standing James Street location to the bustling downtown metropolis of Custer, Washington, right next to the world famous Tony’s Tavern. This painting was commissioned by a good friend, fellow artist, and patron. He will be producing high quality canvas prints of this painting which will be on display at Wings. along with more motorcycle art, this spring. I thoroughly enjoyed painting this iconic image and capturing some of the vibrant and colorful local motorcycle culture, some of the best people I know can be found hanging out at Wings.https://www.facebook.com/WingsMotorcycle/

This project I snuck in for a client who wanted it as a Christmas gift for his parents. I took a break from the Wings painting to get this unusual commission finished in time for the season. The vehicles are a 64 Plymouth Sport Fury and a 1939 Ford pickup. It was challenging painting on a beat up old truck door and we had to sand off the gloss so the paint would stick but the outcome was very satisfactory and the customer was thrilled with the end result. As an, artist I get commission requests and some of them I am reluctant to take but the challenging ones typically turn out the best. I find interpreting someone else’s artistic vision to be creatively demanding but stretching my artist muscles makes me a better painter.
The below four paintings have been selected as part of Jansen Art Centers https://www.jansenartcenter.org/ winter juried exhibition, opening this Thursday night, January 23 at 6pm, come on out to Lynden and enjoy regional art at its finest.