Portrait Painting (Terran)

Portrait Painting (Terran)

Terran This is a portrait of a very special little boy, he is my son’s Godson,Terran, brother to Miles and son to Bonnie and Bryce. I painted this using acrylic paint on a 12″ x 18″ panel. It’s interesting as an artist to switch from painting...
Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting

Cascade Shadows One of my favorite events is our annual summer camping trip to the Cascade River about 15 miles east of Marblemount. We were roughing it sleeping in a tent until last year when we purchased a little Burro fiberglass trailer, perfect for a portable Art...
Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning

“Saturday Morning”, is a painting of my favorite model, our dog Olive, still going strong at 13. This piece won first place in the J. Mane Gallery “Watercolor 2020” virtual exhibit, link here...
WWU Alumni Virtual Art Walk

WWU Alumni Virtual Art Walk

Nancy and I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the WWU Alumni team for the June Art Walk. Chris Casquillo, Fran Maas, Victoria Martinson and Deb DeWees did a great job with the the video production and Chris as the interviewer set a nice tone with inciteful and...
WWU Alumni Virtual Art Walk

WWU Alumni Virtual Art Walk

Friday June 12 will be WWU Alumni’s second Virtual Art Walk, The Zoom meetup will feature a moderator who will be asking artists Ron Pattern and Nancy Canyon questions in their respective studios about their artistic process and history. Ron and Nancy have...
Pit Stop

Pit Stop

20″ x 30″ Acrylic on Aluminum This painting is somewhat of a personal experience, Five years ago my best friend from childhood passed away from cancer, at the memorial his sister dangled a set of keys and said, “Alan left you the Harley”. Now i...

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