Commission Painting

Commission Painting

“Bellingham Bay” 36″ x 60″ Acrylic on Canvas This latest painting from PatternArt Studio & Gallery was commissioned by a local art patron. They requested a scene from Bellingham Bay showing off Mount Baker and the Twin Sisters with five...
New Old Sign

New Old Sign

Sometimes an old SignGuy has to paint an old sign. The above mural on the Morgan Block Building was a fun project for me. After years making computer generated signage it was great to go Old School on this classic heritage building in downtown Fairhaven. Sign painting...
PatternArt Studio News

PatternArt Studio News

“Devil’s Club” – 24″ x 48″ Acrylic on Canvas The above painting is the latest off the PatternArt Studio easel. This image presents itself on many walks through our temperate rainforest. I am always struck how the large diaphanous...
Cascade River

Cascade River

Cascade River 36″ x 36″ Acrylic on Canvas Latest painting from the PatternArt easel. This square format painting was produced in anticipation of a possible mural. Nancy and I go camping on this beautiful river every summer among the big trees and hanging...


All my finished paintings start out as a sketch, sometimes a quickly rendered idea, other times a detailed black and white value study. The above images illustrate how a graphite or charcoal sketch can flesh out the initial idea, determine composition and values....

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