Madrona Waves 30″ x 48″ Acrylic on Canvas

Madrona (after madrono, the Spanish name for a Mediterranean “strawberry tree”) is the name admirers in Washington state give this beautiful tree, while those in California and Oregon call it madrone or Pacific madrone. British Columbians use the Latin name, Arbutus.

“Madrona Waves” is the latest off the easel from PatternArt Studio & Gallery. This painting is from a hike along the east side of Clark’s Point. I love Madrona trees, the vibrant trunk colors contrasting with the gnarled bleached white branches. My lovely wife and amazing artist, Nancy Canyon and I will be showing new paintings, including this one, at the Lynden Inn this coming June 2022, the exhibit will be curated by The Jansen art center.

On another note, I am offering Watercolor painting instruction at my Studio at The Morgan Block in downtown Fairhaven We are half way through the first class which is progressing nicely, I will post the paintings from this group when the class schedule is complete. I am now organizing another group to begin March 16, four 2 hour classes for $140, contact me if you are interested and feel free to share this post.

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