Nancy and I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the WWU Alumni team for the June Art Walk. Chris Casquillo, Fran Maas, Victoria Martinson and Deb DeWees did a great job with the the video production and Chris as the interviewer set a nice tone with inciteful and entertaining questions. I am attaching a link here where you can view the interview. also here is a link to my awesome co-intervewee’s website, i think thats the right terminology, Thank you to the Alumni team for keeping the visual arts front and center during these difficult days. Personaly I think the arts are more important today as we as a society are going through a major transition, change and growth are difficult and we are all being challenged on multiple fronts. Lets all try to be considerate and kind with each other and realize we are in this together, we are lucky to live in a beautiful part of the world, take a minute or two to look and appreciate.

Edison Indians

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