Oregon Beach
24″ x 48″ Acrylic on Canvas

Just finished this large painting, still might fuss with it a little bit. I have the oak frame glued and in the miter clamps in the garage so it will be framed and hanging in my studio probably next week. The problem is nobody will be able to see it for the near future, my studio is much too small to allow for social distancing. During this challenging time I am very grateful for my studio and the desire and ability to lose myself in artistic endeavor. Artists are mostly solitary in their studios, some of us are downright reclusive so this is can be a good time for reflection and creativity. I hope everybody is handling this crisis with courage, patience and kindness to others. Personally I believe the old societal structure of patriarchy, rampant capitalism and concentrated wealth needed to be torn down. This pandemic hopefully will bring us together to realize a more socially progressive society, thats my silver lining in this trying time.

Fairhaven Art walks are cancelled for now, like everything else and I do have an exhibition with Nancy Canyon in June which I will keep people posted if its going to happen, hopefully we will be through the worst of this by then.

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